Sing Along to “Oodles and Oodles of Noodley Noodles”


“Oodles and Oodles of Noodley Noodles”

Words and music by Debra Krol

Story by Cindy Ninni Grant

Illustrations by Katie Weaver


Oodles and oodles, of noodley noodles.

Oodles and oodles of noodles for me.

Oodles and oodles of noodley noodles.

All I want to eat are noodles.

Verse 1:

When I wake up in the morning, feelin' kinda hungry.

Something starts a grumbling... in my tummy.

There's one thing I know... will make me feel better.

Oodles and oodles of noodley noodles.


Verse 2:

Soon it will be lunch, and I can hardly wait.

All day I've been dreaming of noodley noodles.

Macaroni, tortellini, raviolli and ziti.

Fusilli, linguine, and fettuccine!


Verse 3:

Now it's time for dinner, but I'm not really hungry.

All those little noodles grew in my tummy.

Don't you worry now... because I have a plan.

Give me more ooodles and oodles of noodley noodles.
